Persona 4 Wiki
Labrys P4A

Labrys (ラビリス) is a playable character featured in Persona 4 Arena. She is a Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon and Aigis's Sister and a member of Shadow Operatives.


Labrys is a caring individual who doesn't want to hurt or kill, anyone she cares about. When she thought she was the human student council president, she was serious, strict, and responsible.

The growth of her ego can be observed within Labrys' thoughts. Moments after her first activation, Labrys' thoughts are extremely simple to understand and consist of the usual technical statements. The more Plumes of Dusk she absorbs, Labrys becomes increasingly eloquent and starts to develop emotions, eventually culminating in her friendship with Unit #024. Even more interestingly, this does not apply to her speech that much since she speaks with an accent directly after her activation.


Persona 4 Arena[]

Labrys was created by the Kirijo Group who was originally named Unit #031.

She is part of the Fortune Arcana and wilds Ariadne as her Persona.

Other Appearances[]

  • Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight / Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight
  • Persona 3 Manga
  • BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle