Abril foops
Jack Frost
- "A winter fairy of European descent. Normally an innocent creature, but if provoked, he will kill his victim by covering him in snow. It is said that he is the one that who leaves those beautiful icy patterns on windows in the morning."
- —Compendium Info
Jack Frost (ジャックフロスト, Jakkufurosuto) is a Level 16 Persona of the Magician Arcana.
It can be obtained from Shuffle Time in the Midnight Channel dungeon Steamy Bathhouse and Marukyu Striptease
Jack Frost inherits "Ice" skills from other Personas in Fusion.
Strength | Magic | Endurance | Agility | Luck |
10 | 14 | 12 | 11 | 8 |
Element | Phys | Agi | Bufu | Zio | Garu | Hama | Mudo |
Affinity | - | Weak | Block | - | - | - | - |
Effectiveness (%) | 100 | 125 | - | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Skill | Level | Skill | Level |
Mabufu | Innate | Bufula | 19 |
Ice Break | Innate | Dodge Fire | 20 |
Me Patra | Innate | Mind Charge | 25 |
Ice Boost | 18 |
0. Fool | I. Magician |
Izanagi - Yomotsu-Shikome - Obariyon - Legion - Ose - Black Frost - Decarabia - Shiki-Ouji - Loki | Jiraiya - Susano-o - Pixie - Orobas - Jack Frost - Hua Po - Pyro Jack - Dis - Rangda - Jinn - Surt - Mada |
II. Priestess | III. Empress |
Konohana Sakuya - Amaterasu - Saki Mitama - Sarasvati - High Pixie - Ganga - Parvati - Kikuri-Hime - Hariti - Tzitzimitl - Scathach | Senri - Yaksini - Titania - Gorgon - Gabriel - Skadi - Mother Harlot - Alilat - Isis |
IV. Emperor | V. Hierophant |
Take-Mikazuchi - Rokuten Maoh - Oberon - King Frost - Setanta - Oukuninushi - Thoth - Pabilsag - Barong - Odin | Omoikane - Anzu - Shiisaa - Unicorn - Flauros - Hokuto Seikun - Cerberus - Daisoujou - Hachiman - Kohryu |
VI. Lovers | VII. Chariot |
Himiko - Kanzeon - Queen Mab - Undine - Leanan Sidhe - Raphael - Cybele - Ishtar | Tomoe - Suzuka Gongen - Slime - Nata Taishi - Eligor - Ara Mitama - Ares - Triglav - Kin-ki - Thor - Atavaka - Futsunushi |
VIII. Justice | IX. Hermit |
Angel - Archangel - Principality - Power - Virtue - Dominion - Throne - Uriel - Melchizedek - Sraosha | Forneus - Ippon-Datara - Lamia - Mothman - Hitokoto-Nushi - Kurama Tengu - Nidhoggr - Nebiros - Arahabaki - Ongyo-ki |
X. Fortune | XI. Strength |
Sukuna Hikona - Yamato Takeru - Fortuna - Clotho - Lachesis - Ananta - Atropos - Norn | Sandman - Valkyrie - Titan - Rakshasa - Kusi Mitama - Oni - Hanuman - Kali - Siegfried - Zaou Gongen |
XII. Hanged Man | XIII. Death |
Berith - Yomotsu-Ikusa - Makami - Orthrus - Yatsufusa - Taowu - Hell Biker - Vasuki - Attis | Ghoul - Mokoi - Matador - Samael - Mot - White Rider - Alice - Mahakala |
XIV. Temperance | XV. Devil |
Apsaras - Sylph - Xiezhai - Nigi Mitama - Mithra - Genbu - Seiryu - Suzaku - Byakko - Yurlungur - Vishnu | Ukobach - Lilim - Vetala - Incubus - Pazuzu - Succubus - Lilith - Belphegor - Belial - Beelzebub |
XVI. Tower | XVII. Star |
Taotie - Cu Chulainn - Abaddon - Mara - Masakado - Yoshitsune - Shiva | Kintoki-Douji - Kamui - Kaiwan - Neko Shogun - Fuu-ki - Ganesha - Garuda - Kartikeya - Saturnus - Helel |
XVIII. Moon | XIX. Sun |
Andra - Nozuchi - Yamata-no-Orochi - Alraune - Girimehkala - Sui-Ki - Seth - Baal Zebul - Sandalphon | Cu Sith - Phoenix - Gdon - Yatagarasu - Narasimha - Tam Lin - Jatayu - Horus - Sparna - Asura |
XX. Judgement | World |
Anubis - Trumpeter - Michael - Satan - Metatron - Ardha - Lucifer | Izanagi-no-okami |